Thursday, December 15, 2011

Hope for the Alcoholic: Scientific Breakthroughs

!: Great Deals Hope for the Alcoholic: Scientific Breakthroughs buy online

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Price : $120.00
Post Date : Dec 16, 2011 04:01:50
Usually ships in 24 hours

Part of the award winning public television series Healthy Body/Healthy Mind. Alcoholism is a chronic medical disease of the brain and as with many other chronic diseases it needs lifestyle changes, psychological and nutritional counseling and medication to be most effectively treated. In this program we'll explore the latest research that highlights the differences between the brains of alcoholics and the brains of social drinkers. We will show you why a comprehensive approach to treating alcoholism is the best approach to getting the disease under control. We will highlight the benefit of support groups like Alcoholics Anonymous and through patient stories offer hope to those who are dealing with alcohol addiction and alcoholism.

Under The U.S. Copyright Act any viewing or exhibition of a video in a public place must have public performance rights. Purchase of this Program is for educational use only in the United States and/or Canada, which shall include non-theatric public performance rights. Such rights are defined as exhibition of the Program to the following specific non-paying audiences: (a) educational institutions (e.g. elementary, middle and high schools, colleges, and graduate degree programs, adult educational programs and institutions and distance learning and distributed education organizations); (b) public libraries; (c) governmental agencies and institutions; (d) non-profit entities and for-profit entities exhibiting the Program for educational purposes only; (e) public service and voluntary citizen organizations; and (f) social and cultural organizations, clubs and societies (the "Rights"). In granting the Rights, it is understood that such use shall not grant any right or privilege to the copyright with respect to the Program, which copyright shall always and in all circumstances be retained by Information Television Network. Furthermore, Rights do not include the right to resell, license or otherwise exploit the Program for profit. By completing this transaction, you agree to the above and shall be accordingly legally bound to the terms herein. The U.S. Copyright Act states that a person found guilty of infringement of public performance, may be fined or imprisoned or both.

This product is manufactured on demand using DVD-R recordable media.'s standard return policy will apply.

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Tuesday, December 6, 2011

The Power of Recovery, Volume 1

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Post Date : Dec 07, 2011 02:56:12 | N/A

Get ready for a powerful set of stories to inspire your recovery from addiction. You'll learn what others have done to manage triggers, control cravings, and come to terms with their past. Stories include a plumber, an ex-con, a father, a transgender, a priest, a mother of two, and a woman who was raped. The real value of these stories are the nuggets of wisdom you can apply in your own life to put addiction recovery into practice.


"The public knows all about the drama and chaos of active addiction. What they don't know, understand and appreciate is RECOVERY! This video breaks down the "celebrity only" image and provides a glimpse into the lives of everyday people in recovery. Real people, real recovery."

-Robert J. Lindsey, M.Ed., CEAP
President and CEO
National Council on Alcoholism and Drug Dependence, Inc. (NCADD)

"These vignettes are powerful, riveting and compelling. They portray the impact of recovery as well as the diversity of this disease which impacts persons from all geographic areas, all economic areas and all professional backgrounds."

-Dr. Ronald J. Hunsicker, D.Min.
National Association of Addiction Treatment Providers (NAATP)

"The best film made in the addiction recovery and treatment field."

-Doug C.
The Road to Recovery Television Series
National Alcohol and Drug Addiction Recovery Month

This product is manufactured on demand using DVD-R recordable media.'s standard return policy will apply.

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Friday, December 2, 2011

Perception Therapy® Products Full Set

!: discounted Perception Therapy® Products Full Set purchase

Brand : Perception Therapy® Products Full Set | Rate : | Price :
Post Date : Dec 02, 2011 20:36:23 | Usually ships in 1-2 business days

The Perception Therapy® Wellness Guide, Therapeutic Card Deck and Journal are used daily by the clients of Alternative Treatment International within the Program. The Set can be used by addictions and mental health treatment programs and individual therapists as an adjunct to their current treatment protocols, or by the individual at home to assist with relapse prevention and life transformation.Ways to Use The A.T.I. Inspirational Perception Therapy® Card Deck:?Follow each card in the order presented;?Follow the cards section by section;?Choose a card from a different section each day;?Read the card(s), repeat the positive affirmations on the front of each card, follow with meditation and journalingThe original Perception Therapy® Card Deck (53 cards included), developed by Alternative Treatment International, Inc., is specifically developed with extensive activities, affirmations, and instructions for a daily therapeutic practice that promotes health and overall wellness. Included with the Card Deck are two hand-carved inspirational stones with the sayings, "Hope" and "Peace".The original Perception Therapy® Wellness Guide (289 pages) and Therapeutic Card Deck (53 cards included), developed by Alternative Treatment International, Inc., are specifically developed with extensive activities, affirmations, and instructions for a daily therapeutic practice that promotes health and overall wellness.

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Friday, November 18, 2011

Perception Therapy® Training Set for Therapists and Counselors

!: discounted Perception Therapy® Training Set for Therapists and Counselors guide

Rate : | Price : $145.00 | Post Date : Nov 18, 2011 08:15:10
Usually ships in 1-2 business days

The Perception Therapy® Training Manual, Wellness Guide, Therapeutic Card Deck and Journal are used daily addictions and mental health treatment programs and individual therapists as an adjunct to their current treatment protocols, or by the individual at home to assist with relapse prevention and life transformation.

Ways to Use The A.T.I. Inspirational Perception Therapy® Card Deck:

- Follow each card in the order presented;
- Follow the cards section by section;
- Choose a card from a different section each day;
- Read the card(s), repeat the positive affirmations on the front of each card, follow with meditation and journaling

The original Perception Therapy® Card Deck (53 cards included), developed by Alternative Treatment International, Inc., is specifically developed with extensive activities, affirmations, and instructions for a daily therapeutic practice that promotes health and overall wellness. Included with the Card Deck are two hand-carved inspirational stones with the sayings, "Hope" and "Peace".

The original Perception Therapy® Wellness Guide (289 pages) and Therapeutic Card Deck (53 cards included), developed by Alternative Treatment International, Inc., are specifically developed with extensive activities, affirmations, and instructions for a daily therapeutic practice that promotes health and overall wellness.

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Saturday, November 12, 2011

Drugs: Profiles of Addiction and Recovery - Supporting Kids

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Post Date : Nov 13, 2011 07:36:05

Addiction to drugs and alcohol is a disease-chronic, progressive, and fatal if left untreated. This informative three-part series, featuring true stories told by recovering addicts and insightful commentary by law enforcement professionals and counselors, describes the miseries of substance abuse and methods of overcoming addiction. SUPPORTING KIDS. In this program, Shannon and Jay, joined by 16-year-old Dave, talk about the support they received in fighting their addictions. In addition, parents, counselors, a police drug-awareness coordinator, and the directors of a detox facility and a drug and alcohol program discuss the physical and emotional signs of drug use, theories of why younger children are turning to drugs, the easy availability of drugs in small towns, the difficulties parents face in addressing drug use, codependency between addicts and their families, and the painful process of recovery and making amends.

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Tuesday, November 8, 2011

Perspective View on Drug Abuse

!: Perspective View on Drug Abuse

I have observed that crime rates are increasing nowadays. This may be due to poverty or people who have succumbed to drug addiction. I still don't understand on why people struggle with drug problems. Being a drug addict could increase the risk of committing a heinous crime. Their reasoning ability and morality are gone. Many young people who are still on the adolescence stage are already using prohibited drugs. It's like an epidemic disease that grows rapidly. Before we could address this problem, we need to find the real cause of why people resort to drug abuse. This is a world-wide pandemic that needs to be addressed. Large countries have much larger problems because it's much easier to acquire illegal substances anywhere. Even though governments are implementing massive campaigns to discourage the use of drugs it is still not effective. It is still rampant even on third world countries.

Many families have been less fortunate to have their love ones succumb to drug addiction. One possible reason I could think of is the lack of ability to handle problems or crisis. Drug addicts are often depressed, rejected, lonely, and lost. Supporting them through their troubles could keep them away from resorting into drugs. If they are already addicted then the best thing to do is to enroll them into a rehabilitation center. It has a 50-50 chance since some are unsuccessful and reverted back into their use of drugs. We need to be their always to support them and change their perspective views. This could help clean up their minds and understand that drug abuse is eating their life.

Drugs do not help in solving a problem. It lets you escape from reality for a brief moment of time but when you come back to your senses you tend to be more depressed. A person who is addicted to drugs would find ways to support their fantasy land. This could result to crimes such as stealing, robbing, or even worse killing a person. They tend to crave for the substance. People who are selling this substance should be condemned. They only care for the money and not the welfare of other people. They don't have the conscience since it's already eaten by greed. They are not concern of the future of society. I know its wrong to judge this people but they also need to realize the effects of their actions.

One good method to keep people away from drugs is engaging to fun activities such as sports. Through interaction with other people, they tend to forget their problems and learn methods on how to deal with it. Doing charitable works and being close to God could also increase ones strength to avoid this dangerous substance. Educating young people on the risk of drugs could also help. This gives them awareness and knowledge to stay away from it. Other programs should be developed to keep the youth active on society and keeping them away from these harmful vices. We should act now and not wait for a tragedy to happen.

Perspective View on Drug Abuse

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Wednesday, November 2, 2011

About Abstinence Based Treatment for Drug Addiction

!: About Abstinence Based Treatment for Drug Addiction

Addiction is more than a dependency upon alcohol, drugs, or painkillers. It is a disease that causes people to become self-destructive and hurtful toward others. If addiction goes untreated, the person will be unable to control unhealthy and self-defeating behaviors despite the physical and mental risks. Those who suffer from addiction - whether to alcohol, drugs, or other obsessive behaviors like gambling - stand to damage their health, relationships with family and friends, careers and finances if nothing to done to help.

Physicians who operate and consult with drug and addiction rehabilitation clinics recognize that patients often need different treatment programs in order to get overcome their destructive behaviors. To this end, physicians and counselors work with clinic residents toward a common goal: full, long-term remission from this disease.

Can addicts be completely cured? No. Addiction is a chronic illness that never wholly goes away. Addiction can be controlled to a point that allows the addict to live a normal life. Rehab clinics may offer state of the art treatment programs and specialized rehab counseling to effectively achieve long-term remission for addicts. When done properly, abstinence treatment can ensure a happy future, free of dependency and full of love and hope.

To achieve remission, abstinence-based treatment is introduced immediately to clinic residents. This begins with a safe withdrawal from all controlled substances. Our Rehabilitation programs may include counseling and education on avoiding relapse, so that recovering alcoholics and drug addicts may enjoy a life in recovery for many years. The goal of abstinence treatment is to ensure that ill behaviors fade, that the body no longer craves the substances that can damage health and happiness.

If you suspect a loved one is abusing alcohol or drugs, or engaging in other destructive behaviors, it is important to contact a professional to determine the next steps. The sooner an addict is introduced to abstinence, the better the changes for strong recovery.

About Abstinence Based Treatment for Drug Addiction

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Thursday, October 27, 2011

Using (Long Ge) (Institutional Use)

!: expert reviews Using (Long Ge) (Institutional Use) save you money!

Brand : | Rate : | Price : $295.00
Post Date : Oct 27, 2011 17:57:10 | Usually ships in 24 hours

An unusual relationship develops between an urban Chinese couple struggling with heroin and a filmmaker chronicling their addiction, in this provocative documentary on drug abuse, filmmaking and friendship.

For three years, filmmaker Zhou Hao chronicled the lives of Long and Jun, a couple struggling with heroin addiction in Guangzhou. Zhou captures Chinese junkie subculture, its members languishing in a slum flophouse, the equivalent of a modern day opium den. When Long is hospitalized after a failed robbery, Zhou speaks out from behind the camera to intervene. Still, Long and Jun persist, soon dealing drugs full-time to make ends meet. As the couple increasingly offers lies for answers, Zhou must confront his ethical responsibilities to them, as a friend and a documentarian.

USING probes a dark, cruel reality of contemporary Chinese society that has rarely been seen by any audience. Addicts disclose techniques for dealing with police, confronting sham suppliers and staying high throughout the day. Zhou's unflinching depiction of his friends' repeated attempts to quit blurs the line between filmmaker and subject, and raises provocative questions about the ways in which each uses the other.

(Mandarin w/ English subtitles)

This product is manufactured on demand using DVD-R recordable media.'s standard return policy will apply.

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Friday, October 21, 2011

How Drug Abusers Think - Help Get Addicts to Rehab Faster by Understanding Why They Avoid Rehab

!: How Drug Abusers Think - Help Get Addicts to Rehab Faster by Understanding Why They Avoid Rehab

Does drug abuse exist primarily in the mind of the abuser or is drug abuse society's problem? Somewhat of a philosophical question, agreed. Let's get right down into the reality of the matter and skip the pretense.

Drug Abusers Think Society Should Change To Fit Into Their Realities

To understand the boldness of this statement I will enlighten you on what is happening inside a drug abusers head. This may not be pretty, sorry if I use real life examples. But if you found your way to this article, you're ready for it.

How Drug Abusers See The World

They see the same trees, the same cars and the same family members who are upset or distressed by their addiction. But they also 'see' other things.

To continue this analogy of seeing things that aren't seen by everyone else, let's consider the mind as a collection of full picture and sound files in one's personal computer. This personal computer is ones' mind. The mind has millions of memories or files stored of past experience or conclusions or imaginations. All these files are stored in your mental computer.

What happens when drug abusers experience things they don't want to?

Here's the problem: Drugs dull perceptions. Drugs are essentially pain killers. Drugs kill mental, emotional and / or physical pain. That means something that is distressing a person can appear to reduce. The stress seems to go away a bit by the drugs dulling or hiding the experience from the person. They can't see or experience the discomfort as readily. Sometimes these discomforts come from the past. Remember the mind is made up of past experiences or memory pictures.

Drug abusers have been solving their problems by dulling out their abilities to see these problems. At times the problems right in front of them are unseen by a drug abuser. Other times issues from their past are blocked out.

Let's take a look at one way drug abusers dull their perception of the past with drugs and with other mental 'tricks'.

Drug abuse, including marijuana abuse, pharmaceutical abuse and alcohol abuse have one thing in common: Justification

As a drug rehab consultant, I hear more justification for drug abuse and use than most. Here are some rather common and even infamous justifications I've heard over the years.

Mental Justifications:
They don't understand I just need one more hit, then it'll be OK What's the big deal, it's just one time This will fix things and I'll make it through for a while longer
Drug Abusers Are Running Away From Something, Aren't They?

Reactively, most people avoid pain. When the truth contains pain, the truth will be avoided.

Pain is also stored in the minds' memory pictures. When painful experience is re-triggered by life, the painful part also returns. Drug abusers instinctively avoid this pain. That's when justification is put to use by the abuser of drugs. Justification is a method of being right and avoiding the discomfort and pain of unpleasant memory.

The mind must be right. This is the minds' senior command - always be right. Not necessarily truthful, just right. A drug abuser is trying to create a world where they are right in avoiding reality, even if it kills them. That's why they continue to abuse drugs.

How Drug Abusers Think - Help Get Addicts to Rehab Faster by Understanding Why They Avoid Rehab

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